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This documentation is for the processing scripts found in the MMOA GitHub Repo. These scripts are for data management and processing for the MMOA project. The purpose of this repo and documentation is to provide a unified processing approach for members of the project across different collection sites.

Data Pipeline

A solid Data Pipeline is key to this project and can briefly be broken down into the following steps:

  • Video File Organization Theia3D
  • Video File Batch Processing Theia3D
  • C3D File Organization Python
  • C3D File Analysis Visual3D

Each step will generally involve the execution of codes/scripts across a few different programs.

Data Layout

    ... session-date
        ... subjectencounter
            ... action
                ... trial
    ... session-date
        ... subjectencounter
            ... action
                ... trial
    ... session-date
        ... subjectencounter
            ... action
                ... trial
    ... subjectencounter